Consider inputs into various new media artifacts. Is it the case that an input or set of inputs changes a new media artifact. Might one want this to be the case, for an input to create something greater than the whole.
Is this what one wants inputs to do. That is, I want this artifact on such and such a network because it gives this change to it. Well, one might ask, what is the nature of such a change if it happens. We can consider this as a) the time such a change may linger for and b) the extent to which the artifact becomes something new.
But consider a traditional media output. Do we expect it to change because of where it is. Well, perhaps to some extent, as a book takes on a life of its own (but note, of its 'own'). But new media ? Here stories are central these days, but this is perhaps to push the product into life on the Internet.
But if the product itself is a new media story of some kind. That is, if the product is something like a traditional media output. Well, if we consider such outputs to be creative one might assume that the strength of their life, makes them resistant to any change, and allows for a long lingering.
But if it is a creative act within and from new media, does it take on characteristics of a less stable life. That is, is the creative act of new media something different, with a different kind of life from other media outputs.
One does perhaps have this sense of intemporality of any new act. As in: where is that stability of life from creative traditional media. But perhaps one accepts this and asks what is the advantage now of this difference.
Let us consider the advantage is malleability, the possibility of molding it to different forms. And ask is this better. One might consider variety here, that each form has a functional life, as well as an artistic or creative life. But might consider that both are likely to be short (the nature of new media). But one might consider there is a way to get some stability of life in this media.
Where might it be ? It might be in a sense of logic, a life on the structure of the Internet. That is logical artifacts, not as artifacts representing logic or science, but simply logic of time, that is: what, with a short life can live long ?
So instead of going with some kind of disposability, from the fact that we can dispose with such ease and it seems to be nature of things on the internet, we go for permanence, nesting in such fragments of stability as exist on the Internet.
Perhaps such islands exist in the quality of each network. So instead of changing an artifact per se, the network stabilizes them and changes them thus, to, if one might put it like this, their form hidden within new media fragmentation.
Well, perhaps, but it may be that the nature of such artifacts is as we have suggested to be like this, fragmented and impermanent. Is it the case that all outputs are like this. One might suggest they are, in effect. But what is new is that it is now potentially possible to stabilize them in a naturalized way. That is, new media is a structure such that artifact can find stability, but this may be dependent on the artifacts themselves.