About Us

Broker to Trading is a website with information and tools to assist the trader along the process of finding and using a provider to trade markets.
Broker to Trading includes a broker finder tool on the homepage (FXFinds), which will generate broker lists, comparison tables and information, as well as find brokers based on questions to common trading issues.
There is also a wide range of comparison and information tables based around common themes, such as automated trading and user friendly platforms, as well as a blog. The trader can additionally compare broker vs broker by selecting two to compare and generate a comparison table. Thus there is a combination of content to read as well as content to generate by the user, to help match brokers to trading.
What is this site ?
This site began more than 10 years ago as a blog about Forex trading; its foundation date was 2010. The owner and operator went through the usual processes to start trading. Other pages were created and developed to try and solve some problems associated with the steps from starting to trade (the Broker) to trading itself (Trading). The idea is to find a provider to trade with and learn more along the way.
Because of this, the name for site was chosen as Broker to Trading, for this domain hardanalytics.com. The solutions consist of comparison pages and information pages, as well as a continuation of the blog, which asks open ended and exploratory questions to try and clarify some issues associated with trading.
Additionally there are now tools to help find brokers, notably the home page FXFinds integrated tool which will find brokers by categories and features and will also display information during this process. The Broker Browser on the home page allows the trader to browse from broker to broker by feature.
The focus remains Forex, however other markets and types of providers are covered.

Why is the content on this site produced ?
The site aims to provide content offering an original angle on a complex area, grouped around topics of interest to traders. The information about trading is drawn from the experience of the writer.
Who writes and creates the content ?
The content is written and created by the site's founder, who has a background in CS research and long familiarity with trading and trading providers, covering changes which have happened over the years on this site. This helps provide a longer term perspective on the processes from broker to trading and the core task of finding a broker.
Why was the domain name chosen ?
The domain name 'hardanalytics.com' was chosen because it captured the spirit of this endeavour, namely to look at certain types of potentially hard problems and try and find and integrate analytically based solutions.

What about the future ?
This website has a long term view, and has been through and responded to the many changes which have happened in the past decade or so. The site abides by the various guidelines for this type of content. Broker to Trading will continue to develop content to tackle issues with finding and using a broker to trade with, as well as reflect on trading markets in all their complexity, and integrating tools, content and information. Forex trading and trading in general is complex and involves significant risk and it is important that a trader understands these risks before engaging in it through any broker.