AvaTrade vs City Index - Trading Brokers Comparison

AvaTrade vs City Index | Online Brokerage Comparison
AvaTrade vs City Index Comparison Table
Online BrokerMinimum DepositTrading PlatformsMarketsAbout
Minimum Deposit
MT4, MT5, Web Trader, AvaOptions, AvaSocial
Trading Platforms
Markets To Trade
AvaTrade offers a wide range of trading platforms including AvaSocial for social and copy trading, both MT4, MT5 and a user friendly Web Trader
Minimum Deposit
MT4, Web Trader
Trading Platforms
Markets To Trade
City Index has a wide range of markets to trade on a uer friendly Web Trader and offers MT4

AvaTrade vs City Index Comparison

These brokers each offer MetaTrader 4 (MT4). City Index also offers a user friendly Web Trader on which it has considerably more markets to trade. AvaTrade offers a user friendly Web Trader in addition to its other platforms, also with a wide range of markets.

Both brokers offer Options trading. AvaTrade has a separate platform for Options trading (AvaOptions). City Index offers a wider range of Options to trade.

Both brokers offer CFD trading. City Index has many more markets and a wider range. AvaTrade offer social and copy trading on its AvaSocial platform.

Quick comparison

Both brokers offer MT4. AvaTrade additionally provides MT5, a web trader and AvaSocial. City Index also has a range of other platforms on which it has considerably more markets.

Minimum deposit and key account features

The minimum deposit for AvaTrade is $100. The minimum deposit for City Index is $150.

  • AvaTrade provides an Economic Calendar on its web site and Trading Central (which provides analysis). Additionally AvaTrade offers AvaSocial which supports social and copy trading. AvaTrade allows the use of EA trading robots.
  • City Index provides SMART Signals (which analyses markets to look for trading opportunities), News & Analysis, Trading View analysis, Performance Analytics from Chasing Returns (to analyse trader's performance), an Economic Calendar and SMS Volatility Alerts.


  • AvaTrade offers CFD trading in Forex, Indices, Energy, Metals, Cryptocurrencies, Soft Commodities, Options, Stocks, ETFs and Bonds, with 1000+ CFDs available. On AvaOptions, AvaTrade provides 40+ FX Options CFDs.
  • City Index offers Forex, Indices, Energy, Metals, Cryptocurrencies, Soft Commodities, Options, Stocks, ETFs, Bonds, IPOs and Interest Rates, with 6300+ CFDs available.
AvaTrade vs City Index Summary Table
BrokerTrading PlatformsDescription
MT4, MT5, Web Trader, AvaSocial, AvaOptions
Trading Platforms
AvaTrade provides a wide range of platforms including social and copy trading on AvaSocial and offers AvaProtect, which reimburses for losing trade: T&Cs apply
City Index
MT4, Web Trader
Trading Platforms
City Index provides a wide range of market analysis tools and offers a wide range of markets on a user friendly Web Trader

Cryptocurrency CFDs

  • AvaTrade provides Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, DASH, EOS, Bitcoin Gold, NEO, IOTA and Stellar.
  • City Index provides Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple and Bitcoin Cash.

Spreads and leverage

  • AvaTrade can offer Forex spreads from 0.9 without a commission charge while City Index can offer Forex spreads from 0.5 without a commission charge.

Maximum leverage for AvaTrade (CBI regulated) is . Maximum leverage for City Index is .

Online trading platforms

AvaTrade offers MT4, MT5, its Web Trader, AvaSocial and AvaOptions as well as apps. City Index provides MT4 its Web Trader and apps.

Why AvaTrade or City Index ?

Traders who wish to use MT4 can find this platform at either broker. AvaTrade has a wider range of CFD markets on MT4. Traders who want to trade on MT5 can find this platform at AvaTrade. Traders who want to trade on a user friendly platform can find this at either broker, though City Index offers more markets to trade. Traders who want to social and copy trade may do so at AvaTrade.

Comparison summary

  • Both provide CFD trading
  • Both offer MT4
  • AvaTrade additionally provides MT5
  • Each broker provides Options trading
  • City Index has a wider range of Options to trade
  • AvaTrade offers FX Options on its AvaOptions platform
  • Both have a user friendly Web Trader
  • City Index has many more markets to trade as CFDs
  • AvaTrade offers social and copy trading on AvaSocial